President’s Report: August 2019
Another year draws to an end and our club’s annual general elections will be held at the next meeting, I would like to thank the club and this committee for another positive year. The outgoing committee members have continued to promote fly fishing through club activities like the Fly Fishing School, guest speakers at club meetings nights, work on the fishing pit with NSW fisheries, club fishing trips, fly tying days and social nights.
I would personally like to thank Des for being our treasurer once again, Stafford for an-other year as secretary keeping the minutes, Rob for his wealth of knowledge at the fly tying bench, Ike as the quartermaster, Russel for all his help and Les for all the work bring the library together, thank you job well done.
This committee has been one member short all year which has made it just a little harder on each of the members but I believe there are a number of new faces looking to join the committee this year which is fantastic for the club so I thank them for putting their hand up.
The club is in a stable financial position but will have a few new challenges next year like the new fishing pit opening, continuing pressure from increasing Council rates and the ground development at the Greenfield Park oval.
Les Perkins and Bryan Clyde have done a great job with the library and there are still a number of old magazines and books to be moved on if anyone is interested.
And just a quick reminder this meeting will be your last chance to book a seat at the annual dinner so please see Des with your money and he will take your order for the night so you don’t miss out. Some members have already donated to the raffle table which is fantastic, if you have a prize to donation see me at the meeting and I will be happy to record your donation which is very much appreciated by the club.
Tight lines