President’s Report: August 2016

Initially I would like to thank Des and John for presiding over the July meetings and keeping the wheels turning during my absence. I would also like to acknowledge Stafford’s efforts in doing most of the organisation for our Annual Dinner.

In July we have been continuing with our usual win-ter Friday night fly tying sessions. It is great to see the numbers attending the beginners fly tying course being run by Les Hawkins and Steve McGrath. They all seem to be very keen and having an enjoyable time, thanks to the excellent guidance from our tutors. It is also great to see other members taking advantage of this time to catch up and chat, even though they are not participating in the fly tying.

We have our AGM coming up on the 3rd August, so I encourage all members to attend to ensure that we have a quorum and to enjoy the spread being prepared by Chicky.

Our Annual Dinner for this year is to be held on Sat-urday 20th August at the Cactus Cantina, Siesta Quality Resort, Wagga Road, Lavington. This is the Club’s prem-ier social event of the year with the presentation of awards, great food and a raffle that is one of the Club’s major fund raisers. As previously advised our guest speaker should be Ross Brown from Brown Brothers Win-ery, who will give a presentation on his fly fishing experiences around the world. I encourage all members and partners to attend to make this a fantastic and successful night.

Coming up in September we look forward to the beginning of another fishing season with the opening of the Victorian Trout Season on the 3rd.

Firm Strikes
Jeff Baldock