Presidents Report: July 2019

President’s Report

Now the trout season has closed there has been a bit more movement around the fly tying tables, starting with Rob Bailey’s fly tying classes and then it was Jim Baumgurtel magic fly fishing shop which appeared in the clubhouse with many dollars changed hands on the latest fly tying materials and gear.

We are getting closer to our annual dinner on the 17th August there are fliers around the club and in the newsletter, so if you are coming see Des with your money to confirm your spot. As normal there will be great food & wine plus good company, if everyone can chase up a prize or two we will also have another fantastic raffle table.

On a sad note, Ken McLean funeral was held last week with a number of Greenwell’s members attending his funeral; hope the fishing is good up there Ken.

The clubs AGM is not far away and I would ask anyone interested in serving on the committee to put your hand up, it is not a hard task and you are putting something back to the club. This year we have been down one committee member down and it just makes it that little bit harder on the others, so please think about it after all it is your club.

The RISE film festival is on again at the Good’s Shed Wodonga, Thursday 15th Au-gust starting at 7.30pm if anyone is interested in going.

The activity at this week’s meeting will be a talk on life jackets, why and where and their testing procedures.

Hope to see you at the meeting in front of the fire.
