President’s Report: June 2019

Welcome to June and the close of the season just around the corner, the club has a few things happening this month with the start of the fly tying with Rob Bailey on the 16th and a visit from Jim Baumgurtel from FlyFinz on Friday the 21st to get you stocked with tying materials.

Last month we had a very interesting guest speaker Pablo Pescador and if his talk didn’t get you thinking about a fishing trip to Patagonia, well, I don’t know what would.
The committee had an update from Fisheries about the Gravel Pit and our plans for development of this fishery, signs and approvals are just about complete and things should start rolling out over the next few months. This site will provide a great opportunity for the club and our future activities and if policed hard by Fisheries a great fishery for years to come.

Just a quick fishing report on the Club’s trip to Eucumbene on the 10th and 11th May, we arrived at Denison to find no-one fishing, which is not a good sign and it was to prove correct, the river was low and not many fish had started their run. On Saturday we went to the Portal to find more fisherman but the same result, not many fish about and the lake was the same with no boats on the water, another bad sign. Water levels in the river where better here because of water coming from Tantangara outfall, It is now June and thing may have changed so good luck.
