President’s Report: March 2016

Firstly, I would like to thank John Hawkins for running last month’s meeting during my absence. Thanks also to Des Walters for his presentation on Czech nymphing, from all reports it was well received with plenty of interest from the members.

Andrew Briggs from the NECMA was also at the meeting and provided a presentation and update on the Little Snowy Creek Rehabilitation Project. We are currently arranging a site visit with Andrew to select a reach for the Club to adopt for further improvement.

The reason for my absence from the meeting was that I was on my annual pilgrimage to fish the central highland waters of Tasmania around Miena with Bryan Clyde. It was a very successful trip thanks to hospitality and generosity provided to us by Doug and Liz Lang and Peter Hill. Whilst there we caught up with Charles Peck and he has generously agreed to provide the Club with a few of his best flies for displaying in the Clubrooms. He is going to give them to Doug Lang for bringing over to the Club when they are ready. There was also a Club trip to the Snowy Creek on Saturday 20th. Sorry, I could not attend this trip, but I hope you all had a successful day and we are all looking forward to your reports at the March GM.

It was disappointing that the scheduled Wine and Cheese event had to be cancelled due to insufficient numbers. Maybe we can change the timing or format for this event next year to create more interest, as it was a very successful event last year.

It was also very generous of Les Hawkins to donate a dozen of his best flies for displaying at the Clubrooms. Thanks Les and we all wish you the best and a speedy recovery following your operation earlier this month. We also wish Kath Humphris all the best and a speedy recovery, and look forward to see both of you out fishing again soon.

Coming up in March we have a scheduled trip to Geehi on the 5th/6th and we have our annual Fly Fishing Course on 11th, 14th and 19th & 20th. We will need to decide if the Geehi trip is proceeding and on a Trip Captain at the March meeting if there is sufficient interest. The Fly Fishing Course is one of the Club’s major fundraisers so we will need all hands on deck to ensure
its success. There will be some assistance required on Monday 14th for the practical fly casting session but the main assistance will be required at the course weekend on the 19th and 20th at Bowlers Lane on the Mitta Mitta River. Please make yourselves available at these sessions to help spread the workload. More details will be advised at the March GM.

In April we have a scheduled Beef & Reef social night on Saturday 9th and our Broken Sage competition at Khancoban on Saturday 30th. Accommodation for the weekend has been booked for the Friday and Saturday nights at an approximate cost of $25/person/night. Please put your names down for these events as we need to know numbers for catering purposes. I have also tentatively arrange for Andrew from Mayfly Tackle to visit our Club during April.

I look forward to catch up and hearing of your all your fishing exploits at the March GM.

Firm Strikes
Jeff Baldock